Foods that improve your brain fuctions

imgOur body has been established as a machine & constantly needs a source of energy and nutrients.
There are foods that are tailored towards achieving specific functions. We used to believe that brain function normally gets to its optimum during early adulthood after which there will be a decline, causing lapses in memory during our golden years.

In the modern society of today, the way we live go along way in defining the state and degradation of our brain. Our diet, how long we exercise, exposure to toxins and various things we do determine the rate at which our brain deteriorates. The good side about all this is in the fact that as bad lifestyle destroys the brain, an healthy one will make it better. Our brain regenerates fast on a daily basis and with the right ingredients this will optimize our functioning.
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Foods That Improve Our Brain Function
healthy fats
Healthy fats→ Yes you saw that right. The majority of your brain is actually made up of healthy fats which includes the omega-3 fatty acid and this is the most important fats there is. So we can safely deduce that if we want our brains to regenerate optimally they will need a lot of those healthy fats. Foods that are rich in omega-3 include canola oil, eggs, walnuts, salmon fish, soya bean, pecans, almonds, mackerel fish,oysters,etc.
Vegetables→ I know majority of us know the various importance of eating vegetables. Lets just say this is re-emphasizing its importance because now you know it also improves your brain function. Vegetables contain anti-oxidants that limit the damage to brain cells including vitamins E, folic acid, etc. Foods include carrots, various green leaf vegetables, broccoli, cabbage, etc.
Water→ The body can easily be starved of water since its made up of mostly water. So even the body is slightly dehydrated it will affect the brain function. Drink at least 8 glasses of water daily.
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Fiber→ I know a lot of us will not expect this but it is needed by the brain. The brain functions majorly on sugar but it must be delivered steadily to it. Fiber helps in slowing down the absorption of sugar thereby optimizing the functioning of the brain; no overloads. Foods rich in fiber include brown rice, pear, apples, beans, almonds, spinach, dates, etc.
Dark chocolate→ This is a dangerous one because of the fear of abusing it. Dark chocolate contains flavonols which improve blood vessel function which in turn improves brain function. Chocolates also contain some antioxidants and improves mood.
Other tips to follow
- Exercise adequately; this helps your brain work at optimum.
- Stop multi tasking your brain, it will slow you down
- Always get a good night’s sleep
- Challenge your brain; play brain IQ games or master a new skill
To play a Brain Teaser game with me, hook up with me on fb with #Gozkybrain_Izuka, or on whatsapp 08166983737. Get the right informations and share what you know.
Source - Doctorsays

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