Can a noisy environment make you fat? yes!

busy roadsOne of the greatest problem of this present dispensation is FAT. I have written an article on 'unhealthy fattening foods around the world'
which is crucial to healthy living.
Scientists have over time tried to determine all the factors that causes increased fat accumulation.
busy roads
It seems like a ridiculous topic because it does not seem possible. Think about how can noise which is just a sound make u get fatter.
Remember that we have established that the current fat problem is not limited to the plus sized people only but everyone. So this is actually a crucial research area since the world is continually being urbanised daily.
The Possible Relationship Between Noise And Obesity: A research was conducted in sweden on the effect of environmental noise on fat accumulation. It was found out that there is a relationship between the degree of noise pollution in our environment and a relative increase in body size. It was found out the more the noise the fatter the person grows. It was stated that the research was an observation study so we could not draw definitive conclusions from its results. I only decided to share this in an advisory capacity, It has been previously established that noises especially traffic noise can be linked to high blood pressure and heart attacks. We can now add obesity to the list of our worries.
getting fat
There is a considerable explanation, noise is stress, stress can affect levels of hormones causing an imbalance and hormonal imbalance can affect places in the body where excess calories are deposited. In addition, these findings agree with other work indicating that environmental cues may influence what and how much we eat.
The main explanation for this association is that traffic noise may increase the levels of a stress hormone called cortisol, which is known to stimulate the accumulation of fat in the abdominal area. Noise-induced sleep disturbance may also play a significant role. The research is not stating that it is a definite cause but that it is highly possible. We live in an urban world that is getting noisier by the day and we need to be aware of information like this no matter the percentage of its possibility. Reduce noise pollution whatever way you can.
Stop honking your car unnecessarily, turn down the volume of everything and share the information with your friends and family.

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