reasons why some students donot graduate with good results

One thing is to graduate from the university, and another thing is to graduate with a good grade.
Its painful, very painful for a parent or guardian to send a ward to school and after about 4years the ward graduates with a poor grade. Its painful, because even those with good grades haven't gotten a lucrative Job.
So today i'ld like to share this trend with both parents, and students on reasons for poor grades on graduation
Poor Start: It is said that the beginning of a thing matters. This is true if you aim to graduate with good grades. It has been observed that students who end up graduating with good grades are the ones that started putting the needed effort right from their first day of the first year.
Many'ld think that they've plenty of time, so they use their first year to have fun only to realize how difficult it is to make up for what has been lost already.
Lack of Interest: For one reason or the other many students find themselves admitted to study a particular course they have no interest to study. Many of such students usually develop apathy for academic activities. Some others take their academics with levity hoping they will change into a more preferable course one day (which may never happen), Only to wish they had been more serious later. Even if the course wasn’t what you opted for, take time to find out what the course is all about and its prospects. You never can tell, you may end up loving it more than your preferred course. There are some others who have no interest whatsoever in academics. They are in school against their own will. A student once told me, “I’m here just because my parents want me to be here”, You can hardly put a good amount of effort needed to succeed in something you are not interested in.
Related: Reasons why students read very well and still fail
Poor Time Management: One major cause of failure is broken or diverted focus. You are in school to study and learn, that means you shouldn’t focus on something else at the expense of the main reason you are in school. I am not saying you shouldn’t take out time to socialize, have fun, etc. but don’t indulge in these things at the expense of your study. In higher institutions there are many things that will likely get you distracted. Hence, the need for you to get your priorities right, set relevant goals and eliminate as much distraction as possible in order to remain focused on your main objective.
Negative Influence: In campus, you are going to meet the good, the bad and the ugly. Therefore who you choose or allow to choose you as a friend will likely influence you either positively or negatively. Beware of friends who will discourage you from attending lectures and studying. Poor Study Habits: Since the main objective you are in school is to study and learn, your success will depend on your study habits/pattern. Studying hard is not enough, you also need to study smart. An effective study habit considers what to study, when to study and how to study.
Its not a big deal but if you try and mend these loop holes, i'm sure the best in you is yet to be seen or what do you think??
Source — Nairaland

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