How to earn from your site according to your niche

Hello fans, today i'll want to talk to you about the ways you can earn from your websites.
online money
Every webmaster creates a website with the sole aim of earning, but many with little or no idea of how to really earn. To earn from your website, you would need about 3 things
* Regular updates- not just updating, but what the people want and according to your niche. Your niche is your site's category.
* Steady traffics- because you would need good visitors to grow.
* A writter- is someone who writters applications. You can write for your site yourself but where you can't write, let a good proffesional write for you. It would be useful when you write partnership applications. Incase you need a good writter contact Gozkybrain of as he has written many successful applications.
Now with these 3factors taken care of you are almost good and ready to go.
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Now you have to recognise the type of site you are running, am talking about your niche. You can earn real well only by knowing the kind of web you run. I'ld recognise some types of web and how you can earn from them.
Gists and Entertainments site: Some of these sites includes,, etc. These are good examples of entertainment sites, to earn with an entertainmet sites you should need mainly affiliates. Examples of affiliates for entertainment sites include ucnion, konga, jumia, bet9ja etc. Its easier with affiliates and you tend to earn easier. Except you want to boosten your earnings, then you can write applications to entertainment companies to advertise for them.
Health & Technology: A typical example of these kind of web is No doubt health talks brings entertainments, same as technology talks, and that is why you can post entertainment updates on your health and technology blog. Now earning from a health or technology blog, you might need affiliates but those relating to your web. You could even affiliate a contraceptive web. But affiliate isn't the best way to earn with this kind of a web, advertisement is. Go into partnership with health organisations, hospitals, drug manufacturers, health personels, and even technology houses. Write applications to them, about your intrest and in no time you would be their partner and advertise for them. Technology websites can also advertise banks too, yes bank services.
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Download Portals: Stop getting it all wrong, a download portal is a web where you can download all kinds of applications and media, not just apps. But for the sake of this post, I'll reffer to download portals as only for applications. When you run this site, you are supposed to be swimming in money. Well i must add, thats only if you are wise. You may need affiliates, but mainly applications. Affiliates like ucunion, from mobile9, appstores, etc. But to extend your earnings you need to employ an app programmer or a designer. Then you write applications to companies to advertise for them, when they pay, you create an app for them. Give it good features and allow users to download this, it gives you an easier advertising meduim
Music and Videos: Example of such webs include,, etc. You main source of earning is music and video promotion, except you want to use affiliates also. Well it could work well but if you choose the right affiliates, you know what i mean.
School and Exams site: School sites includes etc., but exam sites includes, etc. Exam sites have over the years been proven illegal. Yes they are illegal as they go against the legal use of runing a web. But its a related niche to school site and that is why i listed it together. Earning here involves, selling of answers, past questions, school giudes. But could also deal with a related affiliate but it would best be done when you advertise an educational organisation.
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