Reasons why you should stop masturbating

Masturbation is a self pleasuring act which has become a socially accepted practice by both sex(male & female).
In this peice i'ld want to share with you all why different people of different gender masturbate, and the main reason they should stop it.
Why do femalemasturbate?
My little research show that more female are beginning to masturbate for the following reasons—
1. The new female are crazy when they experience orgasm.
2. Most females prefer to live single, maybe for fear of a heartbreak.
3. Fear of contacting sexual transmission diseases.
4. Sex marketing on social media ( sexchat )
5. Fear of unwanted pregnancy
6. Pornography viewing.
Why do Male Masturbate?
1. Inability to find a romantic partner or A lover, which maybe atributed to factors like: unemployment or joblessness, inferiority complex, lack of boldness, etc.
2. Abnormal imagination
3. Idilness and loneliness
4. Bad company of friends
5. Fear of being a father
6. Fear of contacting STDs.
Now the real purpose of me sharing this peice→ Reasons why you should not masturbate.
1. Damages the nervous system. This means it makes you become very nervous in social gatherings and seminars.
2.Tremors in the hands and head.
3. General tightness over the body, especially the legs.
4. Pain in the legs after masturbation.
5. Trouble with walking. Your legs feel wooden and you feel like a robot when walking.
6. Loss of muscle mass.
7. Lethargy and dull feelings, and sometimes depression.
8. Loss of self-esteem and confidence.
9. Both knees look distorted and tend to be bony pointing outwards, whereas before excessive masturbation, they looked normal and healthy.
10. Back pain.
11. In his teens, until age 18, he could recover after masturbating much faster.
Well, i'm not just here to shoot at you and just go away, i developed 5ways to stop masturbating.
With my 5steps, you can as well stop masturbation.
1. Find another outlet for your time and energy: Be Creative . The process of turning sexual urges into creative output (called sublimation) is something on which monks and sages have relied upon for centuries. Start writing, learn to play a musical instrument, paint, draw, or do whatever else makes you feel like you're doing something productive.
2. Make a plan for avoiding masturbation during your "go to" times of day: If you're tempted to masturbate in the morning, try to sleep with more than just one layer of clothing so touching yourself is more of an effort.
3. Limit your solitude: Another thing you can do is to limit the times when you are likely to be home alone. If you tend to masturbate in the hour or two before your parents get home from work, go for a walk during that time, or find something creative and do it.
4. Stop watching porn on your computer/phone: If you have the tendency to masturbate looking at porn on the computer, try moving your computer into a room where others can see you.
5. Be persistent and patient: Set up a reward system. Bribe yourself to stay on-track with rewards for good behavior. For instance, if you can go two whole weeks without masturbating once, treat yourself to a small indulgence like a new game or an ice cream.
... hmm, i smell tension. Well ateast its a new step into ending something unprofitable. Be calm, stay healthy, get the facts and share what you know.
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