How to prevent your breasts from sagging

Every Man wants his lady’s breast firm and across the world most ladies are keying into cosmetic
surgery to retain and maintain this shape.
What Is Breast Sagging?
Also called as Ptosis, sagging breasts is a common occurrence in many women above 40 years of age. But that does not mean younger women would stay safe from the condition altogether. The breasts are made up of a number of muscles and tissues. With time, these muscles and tissues would start to shrivel, thereby causing the breasts to shrink in size and sag. Gravity would also cause large breasts to sag in addition to other factors like improper clothing, lifestyle changes and hormonal surges.
Here are some tips to help avoid a sagging breast.
—Effective use of Bra: Although the feeling of not wearing a bra would be quite comforting, going braless for long periods can cause your breasts to drop with time. Without a bra to support the weight of the breasts, the breast tissues would stretch with time and eventually cause the breasts to sag, th'o prolonged use of the bra can put you at a risk of developing breast cancer. Remove the bra while sleeping or relaxing to promote blood and fluid flow through the region.
—Maintain an Optimum Weight: The breasts are made up of fatty tissues in addition to several other tissues, glands and nerves. Gaining and losing weight repetitively would stretch the breast tissues permanently, thereby causing the outer skin to stretch as well. This would cause the breasts to sag eventually. Maintaining an optimum weight, however, would prevent this from happening. So stop trying to add on weight only to lose it later. Maintain an optimum weight that complements your height.
—Regular Exercise: Even though the breasts are made up of only tissues and no muscles, regular exercises can help build up the pectorals by improving blood supply to the region. This in turn can prevent breasts from sagging in addition to making them firmer and perkier. If you have large breasts, you would need to take extra measures to make sure that they don’t bounce too much while exercising. An easy way to prevent this is to wear a good quality sports bra while exercising.
sports bra
This would prevent your breasts from moving too much while exercising and prevent them from droping. Chest exercises can help improve the appearance of your pectoral area by strengthening the surrounding ligaments, including Cooper’s ligaments, which in turn may make you look more girlie and lively.
—Regular Breast Massaging: This is good, especially for couples. Massaging your breasts would offer you three advantages. It would help you spot any anomalies like lumps that could possibly lead to more serious conditions later on. It would help improve breast health by releasing lymphatic fluids that might have stagnated in a particular area. And it would help lift up sagging breasts and re-shape them properly. Make it a point to massage your breasts regularly. Use a good quality breast massage oil or cream for better results. Opt for natural products over synthetic ones that could cause unnecessary side effects.
—Embrace a healthy life style: If you want your breasts to remain perfect, you would need to kick a few habits out of the door, with the main one being ‘smoking’. Smoking can cause premature wrinkles to appear on the skin. It can also break down the collagen fibers present underneath the skin, thereby reducing elasticity with time. Smoking would cause the same effect on your breasts. With time (and continued smoking), the collagen fibers and tissues present beneath the skin would lose its elasticity and start stretching. This would in turn cause your breasts to sag.
its not a big deal, its something you can do. So stay calm, get the right informations and share what you know.

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