Some unhealthy fattening foods around the world

If you might think that Nigeria is home to the world’s most fattening foods, you’ld be wrong! Here are 10 of the most decadent foods from around the world, but won't talk much on the ingridients.

Acaraje, Brazil
You know what’s really not great for you? Palm oil. A mere tablespoon of the stuff contains a whopping 7 grams of saturated fat—which is too bad, th'o saturated fat makes food taste really great.

Churros, Spain
In Spain, a popular way for locals to start the day is with a meal of churros. These fried-dough pastries are dipped in sugar and cinnamon and then—here’s the fat kicker—dipped in a thick hot-chocolate drink!

Poutine, Canada
On its own, the humble potato is a relatively healthy starch. But in the hands of Canadians, it becomes poutine. This cheesy dish is so popular that it’s even sold at Burger King in Canada, where the dish contains 740 calories and 41 grams of fat. Its served with Triple Pork Poutine (with chipotle pulled pork, double-smoked bacon, and Italian sausage), Nacho Grande Poutine (with homemade chili, salsa, guacamole, sour cream, and jalapeno peppers), and Bacon Cheeseburger Poutine (with prime ground beef, double-smoked bacon, and cheese sauce).

Khachapuri, Georgia
Georgians have the right idea with their khachapuri. It’s a bread bowl that is stuffed with melted cheese and topped with an egg and a large pad of butter!

Nutella Crepes, France
Just one serving (2 tablespoons) of sweet, chocolaty Nutella spread has 200 calories (110 of which are from fat). And when using a spoon (or a finger) to eat the hazelnut spread straight out of the jar just isn’t enough, you’ll want to head to France for a Nutella crepe. Cos its better in france, the crepes are usually topped with powdered sugar and sometimes even whipped cream.

Aligot, France
Aligotis made with mashed potatoes, butter, cream, garlic, and melted cheese, all whipped together into a thick, rich dish. According to sources, 1 tablespoon of aligot contains 6 percent of the recommended daily amount of saturated fat.

Deep-Fried Mars Bars, Scotland
Who wouldn’t love a chocolate bar gone all melty and encased in a satisfyingly crunchy shell of fried dough? Answer: The Mars candy company. They reportedly feels that the deep-fried dessert is not in line with the company’s goal of promoting a “healthy, active” lifestyle. Because, you know, nothing says healthy like chocolate candy!

Jalebi, India
Sure, plain all fried dough is unhealthy on its own. But India really steps up the game with jalebi, deep-fried dough that is soaked in a sugary syrup. Funnel cake, you’re on notice—a sprinkling of powdered sugar just doesn’t cut it anymore.

Calzone, Italy
Did you know that a traditional calzone uses the same amount of dough as an entire pizza—and that it’s meant to serve four people? Or did you think that the whole delicious calzone was all for you? We have the Campania region of Italy to thank for birthing this version of pizza that is even unhealthier than the original one.

Ramen, Japan
Ramen has exploded in popularity over the last few years—and we don’t mean the sad, dehydrated Cup Noodles kind of ramen, either. We’re talking about the traditional Japanese soup dish, consisting of noodles in broth, topped with a variety of meats and vegetables. Soup is basically a health food, right? Unfortunately, the broth (often made with beef, lard, and oil) really packs a fat punch, even if the noodles aren’t fried.
Lets say you want to get fat, try one of these foods, th'o its unhealthy.
Read also: 3 strangest healthy foods in the world

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